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October Writer's Workout

Thursday, October 24, 6:15-7:45

Wilmington-Stroop Branch of the Dayton Metro Library, 3980 Wilmington Pike, 45429

(Please do not contact Dayton Metro Library regarding this class. All queries should be sent to


Want a commitment-free dose of creative energy, encouragement, and spark?

Word’s Worth Writing Workouts are two hours of inexpensive, informal-tune-up-charge-your-engine writing exercises for writers of any genre and any level of experience. Someone once told us these should be called “writing parties.” Whatever you call them, you’ll receive several original writing prompts and time to explore them. You’ll get a mini-craft lesson, loads of tips, and the opportunity (totally voluntary!) to share your impromptu pieces. Turn off the inner critic, connect with fellow writers, and collect some inspiration to fuel your own writing time!

April 3

Revision Inspiration