Revision Inspiration
to Apr 17

Revision Inspiration

Thursdays, April 3-April 17, 6:15-8:15

Small Conference Room, Wilmington-Stroop Branch, Dayton Montgomery County Library, 3980 Wilmington Pike, Dayton, OH 45429

(Dayton Metro Library is only our host for this event. Please do not call them about this class. Any questions/emails should go to Word’s Worth.)

Have you reached the wonderful, celebratory goal of completing a manuscript? Are you wondering: what next? As you receive feedback, do you wonder which suggestions to take? Which to ignore? Do you find the process of figuring out how to improve the story overwhelming? This course will give guidance for the revision and editing process, while taking many craft lessons (on character motivation, voice, point of view, description, plot, etc.) to the next level. Easy, practical guidelines and checklists will be given for approaching changes both big and small in your own work. We’ll also discuss how to find good, trusted readers, and the pros and cons of writing groups. NOTE: you do NOT have to have a completed manuscript to take or benefit from this class.

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The Writer's 12 Step-Write Your Novel in a Year
to Dec 9

The Writer's 12 Step-Write Your Novel in a Year

In 2017 Word's Worth launched its inaugural Writer's 12-Step Program: Write Your Novel Draft in a Year, and our eighth offering begins in January 2025. In this class a community of writers all endeavor to complete the first draft of a novel in one year's time. If you've ever tried National Novel Writing Month, this is the same idea, but this plan is a little more sustainable and doable with the rest of your life's obligations.

This community meets together virtually from 6:30-8:30 PM on the second Tuesday of each month from January 2025 to December 2025. In between sessions you'll generate new work, meet with breakout "writing groups (virtually or in person)," and be connected through a private Facebook group where you'll receive a weekly "check-in" with instructor Katrina Kittle as well as receive motivational and accountability posts along the way. Instead of simply saying, "By this time next year I'll have my book done," this program will give you a game plan, frequent deadlines, check points, craft lessons, and the collective creative energy of other kindred spirits attempting the same goal. This program is for any FICTION writer ready to truly commit to their work.

Any genre of fiction is welcome. Memoir writers seeking this kind of community and accountability are welcome, but please understand that the instructional focus will be on the craft of fiction (but creative nonfiction writers use these same techniques) Each month will have a focus (although material will change based on the individual needs of group members). (Suggested ages 18 and up)

WE WILL NOT BE RECORDING THESE CLASSES. This class is all about community and commitment, and is very interactive and involves a lot of participant sharing. Life happens, and we understand that occasionally someone may need to miss (and no one should feel bad about that). If you have to miss a class, you will still receive the handout, you can ask Katrina questions about the handout, and you'll still have all the interaction from the Facebook group. But we want to avoid the "it's online so I don't have to be there" mentality that is an unfortunate side effect of the pandemic. This group works best when you're present!

PRICE-$225 per Trimester, each begin in January, May, and August

First Trimester

January: Developing Your Plan

February: Character Building: Motivation as your GPS

March: Conflict and Personal Stakes

April: Research Tips and Traps

Second Trimester

May: Plot and Structure

June: Point of View

July: Voice

August: Middle of the Book “Crisis”: Plot Layers, Subplots, Enriching Your Cast

Third Trimester

September: Theme and Symbols

October: Openings and Closings

November: Readers and Revision--The Value of Objective Eyes

December: Celebration and Next Steps

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October Writer's Workout

October Writer's Workout

Thursday, October 24, 6:15-7:45

Wilmington-Stroop Branch of the Dayton Metro Library, 3980 Wilmington Pike, 45429

(Please do not contact Dayton Metro Library regarding this class. All queries should be sent to


Want a commitment-free dose of creative energy, encouragement, and spark?

Word’s Worth Writing Workouts are two hours of inexpensive, informal-tune-up-charge-your-engine writing exercises for writers of any genre and any level of experience. Someone once told us these should be called “writing parties.” Whatever you call them, you’ll receive several original writing prompts and time to explore them. You’ll get a mini-craft lesson, loads of tips, and the opportunity (totally voluntary!) to share your impromptu pieces. Turn off the inner critic, connect with fellow writers, and collect some inspiration to fuel your own writing time!

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